Scientific Name: Salmo Salar
Common Name: Atlantic Salmon
Ingredients: Raw Salmon and water
Net Weight: 4,23 oz (120gr)
Cal per Container: 150 cal.
Remarks: Preservatives and Additives Free
Packing: Chamber Vacuum Packaging Pouches
Scientific Name: Thunnus albacares
Common Name: Yellowfin Tuna
Ingredients: Raw Tuna and water
Net Weight: 4,23 oz (120gr)
Cal per Container: 130 cal.
Remarks: Preservatives and Additives Free
Packing: Chamber Vacuum Packaging Pouches
Scientific Name: Epinephelus morio
Common Name: Red Grouper
Ingredients: Raw Grouper and water
Net Weight: 4,23 oz (120gr)
Cal per Container: 110 cal.
Remarks: Preservatives and Additives Free
Packing: Chamber Vacuum Packaging Pouches
Scientific Name: Octopus vulgaris
Common Name: Common Octopus
Ingredients: Cooked Octopus and water
Net Weight: 4,23 oz (120gr)
Cal per Container: 200 cal.
Remarks: Preservatives and Additives Free
Packing: Chamber Vacuum Packaging Pouches
Easy to Serve in 4 steps
Take out
Garnish and serve
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